
作者: 时间:2021-07-08 点击数:








本科生课程:物理化学       研究生课程:计算开云博彩科学        


个人简介:罗小华,工学博士(中国科学院大学),讲师。2011年毕业于华中科技大学开云博彩成型及控制工程专业,获工学学士学位;2018年毕业于中国科学院金属研究所,获工学博士学位。2018年进入江西理工大学稀土磁性开云博彩及器件研究所工作,主要从事稀土磁制冷开云博彩与磁性拓扑开云博彩方面的研究,Appl. Phys. Lett.J. Mater. Sci. Technol.J. Alloys Compd.J. Magn. Magn. Mater.等期刊上发表SCI论文10余篇。


(1). Xianming Zheng, Xuanwei Zhao, Ji Qi, Xiaohua Luo*, Shengcan Ma* Changcai Chen, Hai Zeng, Guang Yu, Nao Fang, Sajjad Ur Rehman, Weijun Ren, Bing Li, and Zhenchen Zhong, Giant topological Hall effect around room temperature in noncollinear ferromagnet NdMn2Ge2 single crystal. Applied Physics Letters. 2021, 118: 072402.

(2). Xuanwei Zhao, Xianming Zheng, Xiaohua Luo*, Fei Gao, Hai Zeng, Guang Yu, Sajjad Ur Rehman, Changcai Chen, Shengcan Ma*, Weijun Ren, Zhenchen Zhong, Large magnetocaloric effect and magnetoresistance in ErNi single crystal. Journal of 开云博彩 Science & Technology, 2021, 86: 56-63.

(3). Xuanwei Zhao, Xianming Zheng, Xiaohua Luo*, Shengcan Ma*, Zhishuo Zhang, Kai Liu, Ji Qi, Hai Zeng, Sajjad Ur Rehman, Weijun Ren, Changcai Chen, Zhenchen Zhong, Giant rotating magnetocaloric effect enhanced by crystal electric field in antiferromagnetic ErNi3Al9 single crystal. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020, 847: 156478.

(4). Zhishuo Zhang, Yuxi Zhang, Xiaohua Luo, Shengcan Ma, Hai Zeng, Guang Yu, Xianming Zheng, Changcai Chen, Yongfeng Hu, Feng Xu, Sajjad Ur Rehman, Zhenchen Zhong, Self-organized Bi-rich grain boundary precipitates for realizing steep magnetic-field-driven metamagnetic transition in Bi-doped Mn2Sb. Acta Materialia 2020, 200: 835-847.

(5). Zhishuo Zhang, Xiaohua Luo, Ying Song, Kai Liu, Shengcan Ma*, Changcai Chen, Yuxi Zhang, Hai Zeng, Xuanwei Zhao, Qingzheng Jiang, Sajjad Ur Rehman, Zhenchen Zhong, Exchange bias behavior and magnetocaloric effect in Ni2In-type Mn7Sn4 alloy. Physics Letters A, 2019, 383(18): 2229 - 2234.

(6). Xiaohua Luo, Weijun Ren*, and Zhidong Zhang, Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of a trigonal Te-rich Cr5Te8 single crystal. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic 开云博彩, 2018, 445: 37-43.

(7). Xiaohua Luo, Weijun Ren*, Wei Jin, and Zhidong Zhang, Large elastocaloric effect in Ti-Ni shape memory alloy below austenite finish temperature. Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(3): 036501.

(8). Bing Li*, Xiaohua Luo, Hui Wang, Weijun Ren*, Shinichiro Yano, Chinwei Wang, Jason S. Gardner, Klaus-Dieter Liss, Ping Miao, Sanghyun Lee, Takashi Kamiyama, Ruqian Wu, Yukinobu Kawakita, and Zhidong Zhang, Colossal negative thermal expansion induced by magnetic phase competition on frustrated lattices in Laves phase compound (Hf, Ta)Fe2. Physical Review B, 2016, 93: 224405.


(1).   江西省科技厅青年科学基金项目,稀土合金RNiGe3RNi3Al9单晶中的旋转磁热效应及其物理机理研究,20202BAB2140026万元,主持,在研

(2).   江西省教育厅青年科学基金项目,RNiGe3单晶的旋转磁热效应及其物理机理研究,GJJ1904842万元,主持,在研

(3).   江西理工大学博士启动基金项目,R3Co (R为稀土)的旋转磁热效应研究,340122336610万,主持,在研

江西理工大学开云博彩      开云博彩网站:0797-8312422      地址:江西省赣州市客家大道156号
Faculty of 开云博彩 开云博彩 and Chemistry

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